What Can You Do to Help Your Dog Overcome His Fireworks Fear?

Human babies can be bamboozled by the loud crackling noises of Fireworks. They may cry loudly to inform or alert their caretakers. However, little puppies and dogs may whimper and might get lost amidst the noise of the fireworks. Sometimes they may bark. But many people would not care and carry on with their celebrations. While people are taking advantage of loud fireworks for sale UK, a much better way to help your dog is to help them overcome the fear of fireworks.

Use a space where the loud thuds are not audible to your dog

Try to shield pets from the outside bangs. Instead, confine the dog to a secure space where they can’t damage themselves in case of panic. A table covered with blankets also makes a nice hideaway. Locking your dog in the crate can make them feel even more anxious. Give your dog a few hiding spots so they can decide where to go. You may also use blankets to cover the crate in which your dog normally sleeps. If you are expecting an event like Bonfire Night or New Year, try to introduce the changes earlier for your dog so he becomes accustomed to it.

Lend Support

Dogs always need their owner’s supportive gazes.It has been observed that dogs in stressful situations turn to their owners as sanctuaries, just like a toddler who hears a loud bang may turn and run toward a parent. If owners talk in a cheerful tone and smile s conveying, “It’s all good to go,” dogs are more likely to walk toward the strange object. In case you do not get enough time to rescue your dog, just hold them and pet them. Smile at them and convey a sort of peace to them so they feel comforted.

Do not overdo the above tip

Animals have a keen sense of perception and will pick up on odd behaviour from you. Being excessively friendly or following your dog around could make them feel uneasy or confused. By engaging with their favourite toy, for instance, you can still reassure your pet but make an effort to act as normally as you can. Your dog might feel more worried the more you alter your behaviour.

Prevent Escapes

Dogs are most likely to escape home in their terror of fireworks. This is one of the reasons that during the time of festivities several dogs are reported to be missing. Thus, you should attempt at closing or bolt the doors. That said, do not confine your dog to a single room and isolate them there. They can cause themselves harm.

Create Distractions

You can raise the volume of the TV or turn on the fans or radio. Pull down the curtains and create an atmosphere where the noise hardly crosses the walls and windows of your house. Even if it does, it might get mixed up with the other sounds and will lose its threatening factor for your dog.

Take them for a walk

To enhance your chances of avoiding the sounds, start on your long walk before the sun sets. When you venture outside, make sure your dog is restrained on a leash before beginning your stroll. Before heading outside, double-check that your dog’s collar or harness fits properly. Even if you have a fenced-in area, using a leash is a fantastic extra precaution to keep your dog under control and near to you in case, they become scared.

Final Thoughts

Make sure that you work on these tips to avoid the trauma that so scares your dog.


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